Phobetor View Platform

Scan, interpret, and analyze environmental and biometric data with the Phobetor View Platform.

Polyview I

Decentralized Local Environment Scanner and Storage Platform

The Phobetor Polyview I platform enables users to record a wide variety of environmental data for future analysis in environmental research, laboratory work, and general purpose use.

Mobile Microcomputer

Controlled by Raspberry Pi 3B+, the platform has all the standard capabilities of any regular computer and is powered by a 20,000 mAh battery. It comes with an additional, optional set of wrist-mounted straps.

Scanning Surroundings

The platform is equipped with over potentially 20 modular sensors, including DO levels, pH, temperature, humidity, volatile gases, and many more.

User Interface

With a 5.0" touchscreen and four auxiliary hatches containing the modular sensors, keyboard, and easy access to the GPIO pins, you will have everything you need to collect and store environmental data!

Omniview I

Decentralized Local Environment Scanner and Storage Platform

The Phobetor Omniview I platform enables users to record a wide variety of environmental data for future analysis in environmental research, laboratory work, and general purpose use.

Faster CPU

Controlled by Raspberry Pi 4B+, the platform comes equipped with an improved CPU and additional 8GB RAM, powered by a 50,000 mAh battery. Intended for engineering and research professionals seeking an all-in-one scanning solution

Expanded Sensing Capabilities

The platform is equipped with all the same sensing capabilities as the Polyview I, with the added benefit of acting as an EEG for biopotential capturing, Geiger counter, and multimeter and oscilloscope as well.

Larger User Interface

With a 7.0" touchscreen and four auxiliary hatches containing the modular sensors, keyboard, and easy access to the GPIO pins, you will have everything you need to collect and store environmental data!

3D-Printed Products

Explore unique 3D-printed office accessories and tools that you won't find anywhere else!


Ideal for writing enthusiasts and minimalists looking to improve the office ambience with an increase in functionality and convenience.

Container Slots
Open-space Asthetic

Provides a sleek, open design to see all the available utensils at your disposal.

Securely store any pens or pencils in the associated container slots for maximal elegance and ease of retrieval.


For readers of any kind looking to improve their reading speed and efficiency with the advanced tracing technique.

Surface Cushion
Ergonomic Design

Maximizes grip dexterity for longer and more focused reading sessions.

Cushion provided underneath to avoid damage to reading surface, be they tablets, computer monitors, or plain old books.